Back in 1999, Brad Pitt (as Tyler Durden) first uttered the now-famous line, "The first rule about fight club is you do not talk about fight club."
At first glance, Flight Club and Fight Club don't have much in common. One is focused on discovering impactful ideas while the other is focused on physically beating each other up. In fact, perhaps the only potential similarity between the two is that Brad (I like to think we are BFFs and on a first-name basis) and I share the same first name: William.
But upon further inspection, I recognized one crucial parallel - Flight Club and Fight Club both have a mission that can create revolutionary ripples throughout the world.
Flight Club is about ideas and the power within them. We want everyone to talk about Flight Club because we believe that ideas can change and inspire the world for the better. This is more than fulfilling a business need. We passionately believe that we've come up with the best methods in ideating solutions for the all those around us. And we desperately want to share it with everybody because we need ideas today more than ever before.
"We want everyone to talk about Flight Club because we believe that ideas can change and inspire the world for the better."
So along those lines, we want to share our excitement with you starting now. We will be pumping out content and resources that can benefit you and your teams in discovering ideas and solutions that will inspire the world.
Here are some initial ways that may already help:
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Every idea, big or small, has an impact. And we all have a role and responsibility in discovering them. Can't wait to see your ideas take flight!